Multi-media ART collective based in the UK specialising in installations, exhibitions, performance, events, music, film, sonic manipulation, visuals and technical exploration.
All art is creation and all creation is art.
Freedom, truth, expression, the possibilities endless.
BE creative,

Please contact us for any reason such as collaboration, freelance, production, interaction and creation.
please email:

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Look out Glasgow, CINEMORGUE COMETH! On wednesday the 11th of January 2012 SHAMBOLICA! Presents a collaborative one man, pop up, sonic, performance, installation experience!
As part of "Let Be Be Finale of Seem"; a series of events presenting works about death and the way it structures life., CINEMORGUE will be an enlightening and humorous exploration of famous deaths in cinematic history both in front and behind the screen. It will involve a performance that re-creates famous deaths scenes in film history and examines how "death" in cinema reverberates throughout culture and then bursts through the "fourth wall" into real life.
Taking place 6-8pm, Wednesday, 11 January 2012 @ STUDIO 41, glasgow. Click HERE for event page.
Hope you can make it.

Monday, 9 January 2012

"CONVERLUTIONS" soundtracks new exhibition THE ART OF CONVERSATION!

Shambolica! Was very kindly commisioned to create a unique sound installation for the exhibition; 'The Art of Conversation' by the collective BEWARE THE BLACK RABBIT who consist of Chris Folwell, Dan Ash and Len Allwood. Click here for the blogspot and more lovely info!
It premiered on the opening evening of the exhbition, 28th November 2011 at the Sanctuary Art Space in Gateshead.
Taking the title of the exhibition as its only brief, the sonic creation involves numerous themes ideas and involves snippets of Conversation, chit chat, banter, evolution and communication.

A huge congratulations to BEWARE THE BLACK RABBIT collective on an excellent show, real great and for letting SHAMBOLICA! be involved. It was an honour and as ever, great inspiration.
Enjoy the sound scape here
and please free to download and share!
Be Creative, Be Shambolica!
All music & production by Thomas F Newell