Hello Shambolicans!
Apologies for the lack of blogging of recent months but 2012 has been go, go, go! Super positive though amd most productive. I will endeavour to do a mini catch up with this blog and get right back on track and blog as the rest of this marvellous year progresses.
In March, Shambolica were involved with Beyond Zero Festival, submitting a soundscape for their exhibition. Beyond Zero was ProjectOroom in collaboration with CIA (Creative Intelligence Agency) and Stockwell Studios , inviting artists worldwide to submit exciting, thought provoking art work for a Climate Change themed exhibition at Flexi Space – Stockwell Studios London.
BeyondZero aims to explore the impact of climate change and its effects on our environment and societies.
http://stockwellstudios.org.uk/We were truly honoured to be part of this festival (as they were initially not incorporating sound work), highlighting worthwhile causes and issues as well as exhibiting in London for the first time, a true premiere for Shambolica! You can hear the soundscape
HERE and download it! Get the HEADPHONES on and PLEASE Enjoy!
Additionally in March and in Feb, ILLUMINATOR IMAGINATORS was BACK for the special late night event "AFTERLIFE: Light my Fire" at the Centre for Life and Newcastle Science Festival 2012! Appearing at the Cowgate Community Centre & Beacon Centre in Fenham for the Roadshow and then at the Science Festival Weekender at the Centre for Life. All were extremely successful, fun, interesting and interactive events with hundreds of people participating in Illuminator Imaginators and creating some absolutely fantastic light paintings which can be viewed
I would like to take this oppurtunity to specially thank Sheela Joy and Marissa Buckingham for commissioning and supporting Illuminator Imaginators to return and an additional thank you to the Centre for Life.
January saw the one man, pop up, installation, performance, pop quiz, sonic exhibition CINEMORGUE take place at Studio 41 in Glasgow.
http://thestudio41.wordpress.com/programme/2012-2/let-be-be-finale-of-seem/A hugely successful evening with many people coming along to view the work, be invovled and share! Huge props and love to Filterbeast for his efforts. A short manipulated audio visual work is to follow, when the gods of time release some more moments of reality for me to play with!
The work was created primarily by Ben "Filterbeast" Newell with a soundscape created by Thomas F Newell. This can listened to
HERE! A haunting piece and a must for fans of death in cinema, can you hear all the sound samples??? Headphones on, answers on a postcard!
Think that brings up pretty much back up to speed on events and exhibitions we have been involved with but it doesn't stop there! Stay tuned for the next blog that will bring you nice tasty links to other bits and pieces (old and new) for you to enjoy as well as news of exciting new projects.
Thank you for reading!