Shambolica artist Thomas F Newell submitted a proposal entitled "Companion" and after many months, once funding was raised and granted to put the festival on, the piece was accepted.

The proposal read as follows:
“Companion” is a shimmering, elegiac and reflective
soundscape with connections to the life and work of John Muir that is to
accompany members of the public as they walk/journey around specific places of
Dunbar and its surrounding areas. Walking in nature, especially in East Lothian is a beautiful
experience and one that I wish to heighten by providing a unique soundtrack
that people from all walks of life can enjoy. John Muir was a great and noble man and his ultimate past
time was walking. As members of
the public walk around a specific location, the sonic landscape created will
connect them with John Muir and further engage them with their
surroundings. As the landscape
changes so will the music and in turn change the listener, creating new
memories and emotions. Famous John Muir quotes (spoken by local voices) will bring
him back to the land from which he came, people will have the chance to reflect
on him, learn from him and remember him. The music will combine electronic and acoustic
instruments with field recordings of the area. John Muir and the music together will become the perfect
THE SOUNDSCAPE is now live and you can get it right HERE!Please share, download, listen, Enjoy!
North Light Dunbar Arts Festival is currently in full swing with numerous exhibitions, events, showcases, workshops and happenings. Please check out HERE to visit the website and HERE for the FACEBOOK where there are continual updates and you can LIKE IT! YAY!
A huge thank you to Susie Goodwin and the North Light Team for the commission and the opportunity to be part of this magical arts festival.