Super September continues at A Little Bit of Theatre where Shambolica! Presents...CHAOS!
Following their frivolous antics at The Art School, Klaus and Baron a few days later made their way through the streets of Glasgow with their sparkle box of wonders down to the 13th Note on King Street.
Invited as part of Marta Adamowicz's scratch night A Little Bit of Theatre, Klaus and Baron came bashing through the doors of the famous vegan cafe like two gunslingers in a John Ford Western.
Due to the enormous nature of the wonder box Klaus and Baron were unable to perform in the downstairs performance basement so they had to make do with shedding their colour vibes in the cafe area unbeknownst to some of the polite eaters being catered for.
Tired and drained from being on the road for 367 days since they left their commune in Reykjavik and with Glasgow City Council continually on their tails, the duo were starting to fade. To add to this they were both missing the colourtastic vibrant tones of Tertre Rouge who was colour meditating in the New Mexico desert with Mark Rylance. However, the two clowns/charlatans of light soldiered (shambo'd) on by downing some whiskey, readjusting their face colours and channeling their Shambo-occular-vision.
Waiting in the bathroom beneath the cafe they heard their names called out. "KLAUS!", "BARON!". Their ears pricked up. A tingling of colour infused their eyes. "Baron! Tambourine!" Klaus grunted, "Klaus! Horn of the Gravy Train!" Baron gritted.
They came pounding up the stairs. Klaus with his terrible rhythm, Baron with his catastrophic Shambo horn booming out.
The audience sitting there in awe of the box unsure whether to look forward or look behind. Klaus's voice bellowed out like a fog horn, Baron grabbed around flicking and kicking. With the audience stunned, Klaus fell into a stream of gibberish-cinema influenced pop culture banter whilst Baron pinged from audience member to audience member grinning like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Almost as if the box was speaking to them, guiding them; Klaus and Baron were in a trance that evoked all the spirits of the box. They spewed out a myriad of creations which included songs, chanting, a brief drawing class and ranting as well as crazy vibes that were intimidating, insulating, pro-vacating, adulating, contemplating and best of all; Entertaining!
One audience member was so in-tuned with the performance he sat there in his seat jumping and clapping like a school kid high on sweets. Some were wide eyed and confused, others delighted, the rest in wondrous applause. Klaus and Baron soon left as they arrived in a cataclysmic cauldron of boisterous sparkle magic!