In a back lane, the sound of the crank could be heard winding up a mystical, ramshackle group of music makers.
The crank provided the backbone to the never before heard orchestrations of sonic mischief.
The gathering was enchanted and bound by its haunting spell.
Caught up in the enthusiasm, the crank was hammered round and round.
Little notice was given to the warning, "YOU MIGHT BREAK THE BAND!"

A gift given life by the magic of the street and the CRANK!
Special thanks to the performers Alistair Quietsch, Lewis MacDonald, Robbie Burry and Neil Smith
and Streetland for the oppurtunity to perform.
You can watch the performances PART 1 HERE and PART 2 HERE, Enjoy!
You can see lots of wonderful images via fb HERE and via Streetland HERE.
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