Multi-media ART collective based in the UK specialising in installations, exhibitions, performance, events, music, film, sonic manipulation, visuals and technical exploration.
All art is creation and all creation is art.
Freedom, truth, expression, the possibilities endless.
BE creative,

Please contact us for any reason such as collaboration, freelance, production, interaction and creation.
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Monday, 12 August 2013


Christmas is a time of giving and enjoying the company of family and friends. For Shambolica it is a time of chaos, colour and sheer unadulterated wonder!

On December 15th 2012 Tertre Rouge, Klaus and Baron punch made their way to SWG3 on Eastvale Place in Glasgow for Jimbo Crimbo, The Art School's end of term Christmas Party.

In the worn and tattered warehouse down the darkened alley of Eastvale Place Shambolica brought their rainbow vibes and colourful exuberance to the fore in the shape of a shitty panto!

Baron Punch whilst raiding through the dusty piles of scripts at Kinningpark discovered a ring binder crammed with old Christmas Panto scripts. With this Dickensian find Baron had the bright idea to perform one of these scripts at the Jimbo Crimbo and bring a Shambo twist to the festive proceedings.

In a tiny room situated at the entrance of SWG3, the 3 men of the rainbow constructed a shit set for their panto to be played out in and also with the hope of encouraging the audience to decorate the set for them.

Surprises were to be had.

The part of the evening arrived and Tertre Rouge in the main stage area obtained a microphone and bellowed to the crowd to follow him to the room of delights.  "Come and Join Us!"

Once there, the audience were to find Klaus sprawled out on the canvas floor shouting for his comrades to come! The audience looked on in delight.

Tertre Rouge skipped amongst the audience giving off rays of colour and light that he had first found in the mysterious woods of Le Mans. Tertre was looking for the set decorators to flash their brushes on the shoddy cardboard so woefully put up with crap tape and blue tac. "PAINT!" Klaus would shout, "ENJOY!" Tertre would echo, "COME ALL" Baron would seethe!

With the audience ready; Shambolica began their epic reading of Snow White - the Shitty Panto had begun!

Tertre, Klaus and Baron read off their pages with furious speed telling tales of old and falling into song most notably Somebody to Love by Queen. They run through the list of panto cliches and made the audience laugh with giddy delight.

Klaus shouted with his usual eccentricity. Tertre shook his tambourine with feverish delight. And Baron plonked his way on the double bass with ghastly glee!

And then suddenly with utter surprise SHANTA appeared! Swaggering Shanta spread Shambolica Xmas delight and plonked himself down to dish out presents of colour and light.

The naughty list was read by Baron and innocent members were thrown into the lap of SHANTA for a cuddle, a whisper and a darn good telling off!

The laughter spread and the cheering echoed throughout the room and merriment spread like wild fire. Members of the audience transported themselves back to their youth when the Christmas panto was a rights of passage and the colour of Shambolica saturated all who watched with amazement and bewilderment.

Tertre will his usual laconic stance stroked the match that lit the final denouement of the evening.  The Shambolica Orchestra rolled out a rowdy join that had become a common place amongst audiences of Glasgow and Edinburgh in the past 6 months.  The strains of COME JOIN US thralled throughout the venue! The audience shook their handmade instruments with frenzied childlike delight! Shambolica sung from the top of their heads! Klaus strode upon the chair and fell down in comic fashion. The flags began to wave! Shambolica had come! They had liberated! And with a flash they were gone off into the night and like a shooting star! 

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